Friday, February 27, 2009

German Chess Collector's Meeting from June 19th to 21st, 2009 in Naumburg, Germany

February 12th, 2009

Dear Members and Friends of CCI,

Our last meeting in Braunschweig, the town of Henry the Lion and Gustavus Selenus, was a great success with numerous attendants from Germany and abroad. There we decided to accept the kind invitation of our member Jens-Frieder Mükke to Naumburg. All CCI Members and Friends are welcome.

The Naumburg Cathedral not only offers the world famous sculpture of "Uta" but also the well known "Chess playing apes" that crown one of the columns in the Cathedral. We are thankful to the Museum "Hohe Lilie" for arranging a special chess exhibition to coincide with our meeting.

Following the suggestion of various members, this year we will have a chess market. If you wish to bring chess items for sale or exchange please inform us in order to arrange for sufficient space.

For us this is a good opportunity to invite you to join us for a chess weekend in Naumburg from June 19th to 21st, 2009.

Enclosed you will find the program together with some material about the town of Naumburg including a city map, directions, a hotel broshure and an informative text introducing you to the town and the region. .

We ask you to make your own hotel reservations using the key word "Chess Collectors".

Hotel "Zur Alten Schmiede"
Lindenring 36-37, D-06618 Naumburg
telephone +49 3445 2436-0, fax +49 3445 2436-66

Our special rates per night, including breakfast are: Single room € 59.00, double room € 85.00. A contingent of rooms will be held for us up to April 4th, 2009. Parking space is available.

In order to ensure a smooth and uncomplicated meeting we have negotiated special rates with the museums and restaurants. Thus we have combined the main costs in a participation fee of EUR 65.00 per person that includes:

- all entry fees and guided tours on June 20th and 21st, 2009
- lunch on June 20th, 2009
- beverages during the coffee break
- dinner on June 20th, 2009, including accompanying drinks.

We kindly ask you to transfer this sum beforehand to the following CCI-account . The payment also serves as your registration.

Chess Collectors International

Deutsche Bank
Account nummer 4712055 00
Bank code 500 700 24

For international transfers:
IBAN: DE06500700240471205500


Should anyone prefer to pay the fee in cash at the meeting, please notify us to register.

The meeting place on Friday, June19th, 2009 starting from 6.00 pm is the conference hotel "Zur Alten Schmiede". Here we can eat à la carte, please note that this meal is not included in the participation fee.

The presentation of papers will start Saturday, June 20th, 2009 at 9.15 a.m. in the conference room of the hotel.

We hope that you will find the program attractive and we look forward to meeting many of you in Naumburg.

Sincerely yours,

Thomas H. Thomsen Jens-Frieder Mükke

telephone +49 6174 4222 telephone +49 3445 703290

email email

More information is available at


Friday, May 22 to Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Sixth Western Hemisphere CCI meeting will be held on the Memorial Day weekend, May 22-24, 2009, at the Hyatt Regency (Princeton NJ) Hotel

SPECIAL HOTEL RATES OF $129 PER NIGHT ARE BEING HELD FOR US UNTIL 4/12/09. To obtain your special room rate, be sure to indicate that you are part of the Chess Collectors International Group. You can reserve rooms by calling 609 987 1234, or 800 233 1234.

Highlights of this meeting will be the viewing of a fantastic collection of old ivory, wood and bone playing chess sets of the 1800's which are part of the extraordinary Crumiller collection, along with viewing the outstanding eclectic Raphaelli chess collection and a visit to the legendary antique chess book collection of the Princeton University Library. As usual, we will have the opportunity to acquire new chess sets at our largest ever "chess fair". Included in this years "chess fair" will be a number of ivory chess sets which can no longer be sold or purchased on Ebay.

Our program will start with registration on Friday, May 22, 2009, from 3 to 7 PM, and a get together "welcome" dinner at the hotel. Saturday's program which will start at 9 AM will include lunch at a Princeton restaurant as well as our banquet dinner followed by a program at The Comedy Club of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The chess fair will take place on Sunday morning followed by a farewell brunch at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Any one interested in presenting a 20 minute seminar, or paper of interest to your fellow CCI members should contact Bernice Sarisohn at 631 543 1330, or email, before March 2, 2009.

Attendance fee for members and their families will be $175 per person. Non members fee will be $200 per person. Attendance fee will include Saturday lunch and dinner, Comedy Club admission as well as Sunday brunch and all bus transportation. The above fees will be good for those who register prior to May 1, 2009. Registrations after May 1, 2009 will incur a $25 per person surcharge. Cancellations prior to May 1st will get a full refund. Cancellations after May 1, 2009, will allow for a $100 per person refund. Cancellations after May 15th, may not be eligible for a refund.


For further information contact Bernice or Floyd Sarisohn, PO Box 166, Commack, NY 11725; phone 631 543 1330; fax 631 543 7901; email:

Welcome to Chess Collectors International


Directory C.C.I. Board

President: Dr. Thomas Thomsen, Germany

President Emeritus: Dr. George Dean, USA

Treasurer: William Fordney, USA

Treasurer: Gillian Raynes, UK

Treasurer: Lothar Heider, Germany

Secretary: Hope Levene, USA


Frank Camaratta, USA

Floyd Sarisohn, USA

Mike Wiltshire, UK

Massimiliano De Angelis, Italy

Sergio Bernal, Mexico

Gianfelice Ferlito, Italy

Oscar D ´Empaire, Venezuela

E-mail addresses

Floyd Sarisohn,

Dr. Sergio Bernal,

Gillian Raynes ,